🎨The Blank Canvas🎨

"Allah is Beautiful, He loves beauty." - The Prophet (p.b.u.h)

[Sahih Muslim]

Olryt! So I love colours, beautiful art & craft things & easy but pretty DIYs but as lazy & laid back as I am 🙈 I hardly make anything.

Ma'shaa'Allah I keep coming across amazing Brothers & Sisters on Youtube, Instagram & in person who create absolutely beautiful artworks that keep inspiring me to make something beautiful too

And so... even though I don't know anything about calligraphy or painting except that I love them when I see them, I decided to give it a shot 😜

Got a lil canvas, watercolour pad, basic paints & brushes. Watched a few tutorials, got some artistic groove on and..

finally completed some art work.

My first watercolour paint wash ☺️ turned out pretty good but my terrible handwriting turned it pretty bad 😛. However, the Allahu faux calligraphy exceeded my expectations, surprisingly 🥰.

And hey, I framed some good ones too..

Al-Khaliq: we all share the same Creator 🌏

And always, Alhumdulillah! For teacups and everything 💕…

Yup! The canvas still remains blank 😛, at least for awhile..

If you too have been wanting to try your hands on some artsy stuff then go for it & remember to have fun while doing it & be pleased with yourself at its completion, ❤ In'shaa'Allah.


🚪Knock! Knock! Dhul-Hijjah here🚪


❤Easy & Exceptional🌟