🚪Knock! Knock! Dhul-Hijjah here🚪

"I swear by the daybreak, And the ten nights,"

-The Noble Quran (89:1-2)

Isn't it amazing that our religion ❤ gives us soooo many opportunities to earn good deeds & also to get our sins forgiven? Alhumdulilah! 😊 We just had Ramadaan & now we have Dhul-Hijjah upon us 🕋.

📖The fact that Allah, The Majestic, swears by these 10 days in our Noble Quran is enough to emphasize its virtues. I am sure many of you are already aware of the greatness of these first 10 days of ☄Dhul Hijjah☄ & more so about the fasting on the day of ☄Arafah.☄

Sometimes all we need is a lil motivation to carry on doing good deeds that we do regularly & also to do new ones💭.

The simplest & powerful of all 💫 motivations to me is the following hadith of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ)

SubhanAllah! These are the most beloved days to Allah, The Most Merciful, so with the help of Allah strive as hard as you can to please Allah, The Most Glorified, by all your words & actions. Encourage family & friends to do the same, remember, each good deed that you inspire in someone & they act upon it will be recorded in your book of deeds as well without any subtraction of its reward from the doer of that deed ✏.

So happily 😊 go about doing acts of worship & inspiring the same in others. The beauty of Islam is that we have many many many different ways to please Allah, The Most Great, Alhumdulilah!. Some might find peace & gain closeness to their Rab in Salah while others might love to glorify the praises of their Rab in constant Dhikr. Some might be blessed with good health to fast for their beloved Maker & some with wealth to give it out to the poor & needy to please their Provider & so on. And if you've been doing a particular good deed for a long time then try a different good deed this time  but know that you will achieve true happiness & contentment 🌟 in all the things you do for the pleasure of Allah, The Most Loving, alone according to the Sunnah of His beloved Messenger (ﷺ)❤.

🗺Finally, just a lil reminder to keep our ummah in your duas during these days & always. Our ummah is going through some very tough times & it is up to us to be united & help each other out as much as we can with whatever we can Bi'idhnillah & dua is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon of the believers. In'shaa'Allah utilize this weapon not only for yourself but for the entire ummah🌏.


❤Acquaint with the Best❤


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