❤Acquaint with the Best❤

"We narrate to you the best of narratives, by Our revealing to you this Quran, though before this you were certainly one of those who did not know."

- The Noble Quran 12:3

SubhanAllah! Our Creator knows how much we as human beings love stories ❤ & therefore He عز و جل gifted us with many many of them in the Glorious Quran 📖 & through the narrations of His beloved Prophet Muhammad ( ﷺ )💬.

Tales hold a simple yet strong charm & charisma 🎀 to themselves that are capable of arousing many different emotions in us from joy & happiness to sorrow & grief to even boredom at times 😜. From a child to an adult, all of us hear, read, share, write or watch some story or the other everyday.

Real life to fiction to historical events to current news the genre as we all know is very wide. Out of these historical real life incidents seem quiet intriguing to my mind. And so what could be better than stories 📓 of men that were chosen above mankind 🌏, who are the most beloved to Allah, The Most Loving! 😊.

Yummiee pastry 🍰: The courtesy of my sis 💕

This isn't a review of the famous book "Stories of the Prophets" by Ibn Khathir that has touched many hearts but just me expressing my adoration for this book 😍 which will get you acquainted with the best of mankind. Adam to Jesus (peace be upon them all) the book covers stories of all the mentioned Prophets from the Quran & Sunnah 😊. It is fascinating how all of these Prophets (p.b.u.t.a) were sent with the same mission of proclaiming Allah's oneness ☝ as the only one true God but each one of them had a different & unique course of life. Their struggles, trials & tests were sundry to each other despite their same mission.

Allah, The All-Wise had sent them as an example for the entire humanity 🗺. Every aspect of their lives from calling people to Tawheed, to their excellent character, patience & faith in Allah's decree ✒ in tough times, gratitude towards their Rab in times of ease, the way they dealt with evil tyrants & enemies of Allah, their willingness to sacrifice 🔪 their own desires for the sake of their Lord, to everything they did... hold countless examples & lessons for us to follow & learn. The miracles that were given to them & done for them by Allah سبحانه و تعالى out of His infinite love & mercy for them will leave you spellbound 🌟.

As each of them had a distinct set of trials & tests 💥 it becomes naturally easy for us to relate to one or more of them in our tough times. It becomes a tad bit easier for us to face our hardships when we know that we aren't the first or the only people to go through such difficult times⌚. The way they tackled rough times gives us strength & wisdom to tackle ours too.

Their stories give us an insight of their beautiful personalities☄. To read about them is our only way to come to know them and once we get to know them we are bound to fall in love with them as our Prophets (p.b.u.t.a)💞.

❤ May Allah سبحانه و تعالى keep us with His beloved Prophets in Jannat ul Firdous. Ameen!❤


🏰An Overlooked Opulence🏰


🚪Knock! Knock! Dhul-Hijjah here🚪